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Customize your own NPR podcast playlist

Still can't decide among the hundreds of podcasts that National Public Radio makes available over the Internet?
/ Source: The Associated Press

Still can't decide among the hundreds of podcasts that National Public Radio makes available over the Internet?

Now you can create your own.

A new feature NPR launched this month lets listeners create custom podcasts blending individual audio reports on any topic or keyword.

Rather than have NPR editors, say, choose five or six stories for its movies podcast, you can create your own for just Christmas movies. Simply type in the topics or keywords into the appropriate boxes at, and the site generates a link that you can plug into Apple Inc.'s iTunes or other podcast-supporting software.

The custom podcast can be hit or miss, though.

An attempt to create one on the hit TV show "Gossip Girl" returned several off-topic audio reports, including one on landscaper Christy Webber.