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Tulane Student Announces Mayoral Run

A Tulane University student who has researched the culture and politics of New Orleans has joined the race for mayor of the city.
/ Source:

WDSU .com

A Tulane University student who has researched the culture and politics of New Orleans has joined the race for mayor of the city.

Nick Balée, a senior, is a native of New Orleans and graduate of Brother Martin High School.

He said he was inspired to run for mayor because he was disappointed with the current candidates.

Balée has a Facebook group supporting his candidacy, and his plan for the city involves things like repairing, improving the efficiency of the police department and holding monthly meetings with state officials in Baton Rouge.

For more on Balée, visit his

Facebook page.

Other announced candidates for mayor include: state Sen. Ed Murray, nonprofit executive James Perry, insurance executive Leslie Jacobs, businessman Troy Henry, comedian Jonah Bascle, businessman John Georges and former judge Nadine Ramsey.

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