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Police: Drunken driver asks cop for directions

A Maryland man is allegedly so inebriated that he pulls over to the side of Route 130 in Florence, N.J., to ask a police officer for driving directions, reports the Courier Post.
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His mother probably taught him to find a police officer if he ever got lost. She must have forgotten to mention that he should never do it drunk.

A Maryland man was allegedly so inebriated Sunday afternoon that he pulled over to the side of Route 130 in Florence, N.J., to ask a police officer for driving directions, reports the Courier Post.

The police officer was parked on the side of the road at about 1:30 p.m. dealing with a car he had just pulled over, police say. Gerald Steier, 69, swerved up to the spot and quickly pulled over in front of the police car, reports the Courier Post.

Police say that Steier got out of his car and, as he walked toward the police officer, “he was barely able to stay on his feet.” Steier asked the officer for directions.

Steier was promptly arrested on charges of drunken driving and consuming alcohol in a vehicle after the officer found open containers of alcohol in the man’s car, reports the Courier Post.