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'Martyr's Square' now official on Google Maps

Google says the Libyan location previously known as "Green Square" has been changed to "Martyr's Square" on its popular online mapping service.
/ Source: The Associated Press

Google says the Libyan location previously known as "Green Square" has been changed to "Martyr's Square" on its popular online mapping service.

Martyr's Square was the name of the square in Tripoli before Gadhafi regime renamed it. Google says the name change was made by a user late Sunday night, as rebel forces took over the city. It was approved by Google, meaning it was visible to the public, shortly thereafter.

Google says the square's name has been re-labeled Martyr's Square, though map users can continue to search using either name to find the location.

Google uses a broad range of sources to keep its maps up to date. This includes public and commercial data providers as well as user contributions.