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ALS patient travels cross country to raise awareness

Robin Mower was diagnosed with ALS in 2009. A couple weeks ago, a friend of hers died from the disease. She decided it was time to raise awareness with a special road trip.
/ Source: KING5

At the KOA Campgrounds in Kent, Wash., south of Seattle, one RV stood out this weekend.

The RV is covered in hand-painted, bright purple quotes. Inside we found a couple on a mission to spread their message about ALS, better known as Lou Gehrig's Disease.

John Mower and his wife Robin live in Toledo, Ohio. Their connection with ALS is personal. Robin was diagnosed in 2009. Robin said the worst part was "knowing I was going to die sooner than later."

The thought of death consumed her at first. But she found a family within the ALS community. As she and her husband attended more charity walks and advocacy days, she made friends. One of those friends passed away a couple weeks ago due to complications from ALS.

"He is a true hero," said Robin with tears in her eyes. "We will find a cure. He will not die in vain."

One day after Robin found out about her friend's death, she decided that it was time to fight.

Her husband turned their RV into an "inspiration mobile." With help from family, messages like, "Living not Dying" and "Never Give Up" were painted on all sides of the vehicle.

The couple is traveling city to city, attending ALS walks and raising money. They want to donate to ALS research for a cure.