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Washington, can you hear me? Do you care that all those kids died?

This is a sad response to the horror of Newtown because nothing is worse than to be ignored—when you live, when you die.
/ Source: hardball

This is a sad response to the horror of Newtown because nothing is worse than to be ignored—when you live, when you die.

Let me finish tonight with this.

I believe this is a presidentially-led country. We elect the president to lead. When he does lead, things can happen. When he doesn’t, things calm down and stay the way they are.

If you think our gun laws are good right now, that they’re giving us reasonable gun safety—don’t worry: be happy, be glad things are calm, things are staying the way they are.

Because they are. Do you hear me? Nothing is going to change.

The ways things are headed now, the U.S. Congress—which represents the whole American people—is not going to even vote on stronger background checks—something nine out of 10 of us agree on.

Got it? Nothing. Nothing is going to get done. Nothing is going to get voted on.

This is a sad response to the horror of Newtown because nothing is worse than to be ignored—when you live, especially when you die.

When Lyndon Johnson left Washington in 1969, he said, “I want to live my last days where folks know when you’re sick and care when you die.”

Washington, can you hear me? Do you care that all those kids died? Do you really? Or do you only care about Wayne LaPierre?