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What we’re reading: Thursday, April 4, 2013

President Obama is back on the fundraising trail out west, meeting with high-end Democratic donors to discuss where his party can make gains in the next election, but reminding those supporters that he’s ready to work with Republicans this year.
/ Source: Andrea Michell Reports

President Obama is back on the fundraising trail out west, meeting with high-end Democratic donors to discuss where his party can make gains in the next election, but reminding those supporters that he’s ready to work with Republicans this year.

President Obama is back on the fundraising trail out west, meeting with high-end Democratic donors to discuss where his party can make gains in the next election, but reminding those supporters that he’s ready to work with Republicans this year.

In the opinion pages: Campbell Brown tells Wall Street Journal readers that the president has given Hollywood a pass in the current gun debate. The Washington Post’s Anne Applebaum looks at China’s future and what it could mean for North Korea. The New York Times’ Gail Collins analyzes Mark Sanford’s “evolution.