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April Fools: 4 Apps for Office Pranks

Try one of these apps for a little light-hearted fun at your office.
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It's April Fools' Day and offices around the country will be rife with jokes and pranks. If you're looking for a little light-hearted office fun, or payback from a co-worker who "fooled" you this morning, try one of these pranking apps Apple's iPhone, and start practicing your straight face.

1. Prank Me
The only thing more unsettling than a call from the police is a call from the IRS around tax time. Prank Me has more than 1,000 voice clips pre-recorded by professional actors that you can use to create a phony phone call. The app hides your caller ID, then lets you guide the conversation with a list of pre-set responses. Price: 99 cents

2. PunkSMS
Your co-workers will be green with envy when they see you texting back and forth with their favorite celebrity. Type in any name, then start texting and PunkSMS will send a text back.

To make the conversation more convincing, use the Magic Words feature to pre-set personalized responses. Your friends might actually believe you're texting with Beyonce if the conversation includes details of your personal life. Price: 99 cents

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3. Fake News
Want to convince your co-workers that all Fridays are now legal holidays? Or that excessive cell phone usage causes the growth of a third ear? All you need is some official-looking proof, like a news story created with Fake News for the iPhone.

Upload a photo, create your own headline and teaser text, then take a screenshot of your work to share with your friend. If you found it on the internet, it must be true. Price: 99 cents

4. Dude, Your Car!
Personalization is the key with Dude, Your Car!, a photo manipulation app for iOS that makes it look as if something terrible has happened to your co-worker's car.

Begin by photographing his or her car, then use the app to add "damage" such as dents, broken glass and scratches. If your know a co-worker is behind on paying speeding tickets, you add a virtual "boot" to picture to make it seem as though the city has come to collect its fees. Price: $2.99

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