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FAA furlough: yes; meals on wheels: no

The Meals on Wheels program, which delivers over a million lunches and dinners to the elderly everyday, is just one vital program now suffering at the hands of sequestration.
/ Source: Martin Bashir

The Meals on Wheels program, which delivers over a million lunches and dinners to the elderly everyday, is just one vital program now suffering at the hands of sequestration.

In a week dominated by fast-moving developments in the Boston bombing investigation, you might have missed news of sequestration’s impact on flight travel–unless, of course, you were stuck on an airport tarmac or you were a congressman trying to get out of DC.

But as the president and members of his cabinet have said the effects of sequestration are far-reaching and devastating.

And it will be particularly devastating to the elderly and those who depend on programs like Meals on Wheels.

On Wednesday, Martin reminded House Speaker John Boehner and his colleagues who called for spending cuts and  austerity, about the human cost of such measures:

Following the broadcast, Ellie Hollander, the president and CEO of Meals on Wheels, sent a kind note of thanks, which reads in part:

 Your passion inspired viewers across the country to call our office and offer their support.  This influx of interest exemplifies our hope that exposing Americans to the “hidden hungry” will invigorate the public’s will to end senior hunger.

We want to thank Ms. Hollander for the work she continues to do, despite its challenges, and remind the folks who represent us that it’s not just those who board an airline who feel the sequester’s pinch.