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Flashback Friday: Pullman Porter

I think people always expect my favorite interviews to be those with a president or celebrity. But really, many if not most of the people who have stayed with me for years are "regular people."
/ Source: Jansing & Co.

I think people always expect my favorite interviews to be those with a president or celebrity. But really, many if not most of the people who have stayed with me for years are "regular people."

Probably the question I get asked the most as a journalist is, “What’s your favorite interview?” I think people always expect that I will talk about a president or a celebrity, and those certainly always make for good stories. But many, if not most, of the people who have stayed with me for years are “regular people.” People like Lee Gibson, now 103 and in pretty good health, still as charming and kind as when I first met him several years ago. Lee Gibson made history, and his story as well as his dignity and humility continue to inspire me. I think you’ll like and admire him as much as I do, once you see his story. He’s the son of a sharecropper who played a pivotal role in this nation’s history.

“Flashback Friday” is a meander down memory lane of stories I’ve covered over the years that may just spark some memories of your own. My team has worked hard scouring our archives and we hope you like them. Tweet me at @jansingco and let us know what you think!