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Morning Headlines: Wednesday, July 31

The Morning Joe headlines for Wednesday, July 31
/ Source: Morning Joe

The Morning Joe headlines for Wednesday, July 31

Here are the headlines we’re reading this morning. Which headlines are getting your attention?

WikiLeaks: Manning verdicts a ‘clear abuse’ of First Amendment

Al Qaeda to ‘spare no effort’ to free Gitmo inmates

Assange: Manning ‘is the quintessential whistleblower’

Spanish train driver was on phone at time of crash

Weiner staffer ’very sorry’ for rant about ex-intern

Over a Million Are Denied Bank Accounts for Past Errors

Civilian Casualties in Afghanistan Rise 23 Percent

NYT: A mixed verdict on Manning

Snowden’s father speaks out

Dana Milbank: The GOP’s shutdown showdown

Huma Abedin likely to be away from Hillary Clinton

Syria’s president adds Instagram to his social media blitz

San Diego Council Denies Funds to Embattled Mayor

Obama Offers New Deal on Corporate Taxes, Jobs

On Syria’s Coast, Signs of a Massacre

U.S. Spy Program Lifts Veil in Court

Paul calls Christie ‘King of Bacon’

Cruz taunts fellow Senate Republicans

Court: Feds don’t need a warrant to track your cell phone