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Want me to quit? Too bad, I won’t, says Weiner

In a new video, the disgraced congressman-turned-mayoral-candidate suggested he’s in the race for the long haul despite the latest scandal bogging down his campaign.
/ Source: The Last Word

In a new video, the disgraced congressman-turned-mayoral-candidate suggested he’s in the race for the long haul despite the latest scandal bogging down his campaign.

New York City mayoral candidate Anthony Weiner declared “quit isn’t the way we roll in New York City.”

In a new web ad released Tuesday night, the disgraced congressman suggested he’s in the race for the long haul despite the latest scandal bogging down his campaign.

“You know, sometimes people say to me, ‘This campaign is pretty rough. You may want to quit.’ I know that there are newspaper editors and other politicians that say, ‘Boy, I wish that guy Weiner would quit,’” he says in the ad. “They don’t know New York. They certainly don’t know me. Quit isn’t the way we roll in New York City.”

Weiner said he’s been inspired by the city’s “tough” nature and fighting attitude.

“If someone wants to come out with something embarrassing about you and your private life, you gotta talk about that for a little while,” he said. “But it’s also reminded me that citizens, when they come up to you, and they want to talk you about a situation on their block, or at their child’s school or something going on at their job site, that’s what this campaign is all about. And I’ll never forget that.”

Once considered a frontrunner, Weiner dropped to fourth place according to a new Quinnipiac University poll amid revelations he continued to send sexually explicit messages to women online after his resignation.