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#click3: The Rise of Corner Guy

The All In with Chris Hayes team puts out a daily call to the Twitter and Facebook communities for the “awesomest things” they encountered on the Internet.
/ Source: MSNBC TV

The All In with Chris Hayes team puts out a daily call to the Twitter and Facebook communities for the “awesomest things” they encountered on the Internet.

1. From the corner of the screen to the corner of our hearts. Yesterday, he was nothing more than Senator Ted Cruz’s legal aide. Today? He’s “corner guy.” 

2. One could say Miley Cyrus is inspirational…in that she inspires people to re-enact her music videos with adorable animals:

3. It is the number one concern of every New York voter: can a mayoral candidate put together a music video? Naturally, Jimmy McMillan of the “Rent is Too Damn High” party stepped up to the plate.