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Ann Curry on US-Iran meeting: ‘More than chit chat’

The United States sat down with Iran for an historic meeting on Thursday.
/ Source: MSNBC TV

The United States sat down with Iran for an historic meeting on Thursday.

The United States sat down with Iran for an historic meeting on Thursday. Secretary of State John Kerry met with Iran’s Foreign Minister, Mohammed Javad Zarif and diplomats from the UK, France, Russia, China and Germany to discuss Iran’s nuclear program. Thursday’s meeting was just the latest example of a shift in tone coming from the country’s new leadership.

Ann Curry, International Correspondent for NBC News, recently interviewed Iranian President Hasan Rouhani. She joined Chris Hayes on All In to discuss the significance of Thursday’s talk.

“In 34 years we have not seen that level of engagement,” Curry said. “This is a major shift.”

Is there a timeline for a solution? According to Curry The Foreign Minister said the goal was to “reach an agreement within a year,” a timeline Curry says might be a bit of “irrational exuberance.”

Whatever the timeline, one thing is for certain. Today’s talks were “more than chit chat,” asserted Curry.

Watch the full segment above