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Watch: Up Against the Clock

Another week, another chance to find out how much your favorite Up guests really know about what they're debating.
/ Source: Up

Another week, another chance to find out how much your favorite Up guests really know about what they're debating.

It’s another action-packed installment of “UP Against the Clock,” the most exciting game show you’ve ever seen on a Saturday at 9 a.m. On this week’s installment, MSNBC contributor Jonathan Capeheart, The Guardian‘s Ana Marie Cox, and Salon’s Joan Walsh compete to see who can measure up to Quizmaster Steve Kornacki’s high trivia standards.

Do you know which Breaking Bad actor is about to play a U.S. president? Which Hollywood star did Ted Cruz quote during his 21 hour speech this week? Find out if you have what it takes to win the gold UP mug and play along.