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‘ED Show’ guest list: Monday, Sept. 30, 2013 (5p ET)

Congress has until midnight tonight to avoid America’s first government shutdown in nearly two decades, but it’s not looking good. Make no mistake, this is about crushing Obamacare. Tonight on The Ed Show at 5pET (4pCT/3pMT/2pPT), Ed Schultz explains why Democrats need to stand firm.
/ Source: ED Show

Congress has until midnight tonight to avoid America’s first government shutdown in nearly two decades, but it’s not looking good. Make no mistake, this is about crushing Obamacare. Tonight on The Ed Show at 5pET (4pCT/3pMT/2pPT), Ed Schultz explains why Democrats need to stand firm.

Congress has until midnight tonight to avoid America’s first government shutdown in nearly two decades, but it’s not looking good. Make no mistake, this is about crushing Obamacare.

Tonight on The Ed Show at 5pET (4pCT/3pMT/2pPT), live from Minneapolis on MSNBC, Ed Schultz explains why Democrats need to stand firm.

And of course, Ed will answer your questions.

Here’s tonight’s guest list:

National Park Service employees close down the Washington Monument in Washington, Friday, April 8, 2011, as a government shutdown looms. (Photo by Jacquelyn Martin/AP)

It’s going to be yet another blockbuster edition of @edshow today at 5pET on @msnbc!! Join the conversation now or during the show by commenting on Facebook and/or tweeting (with the #edshow hashtag) so we can share your thoughts on the show. The @TweetTron9 is powering up the circuits to put yer tweets on the teevee!!