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All In Agenda: Pope or Snowden?

All In Agenda for Wednesday, December 11th
/ Source: MSNBC TV

All In Agenda for Wednesday, December 11th

1. Our take on all the budget deal fallout one day after the budget deal announcement. Joining Chris Hayes to discuss are CNBC Political Analyst, Robert Costa, President of Americans for Prosperity Tim Pillips, and Virginia Rep. Scott Rigell. 

2. Democrats let out a huge sigh of relief today after November Obamacare numbers drastically improved.  Chris Hayes will talk about the turn around with Former Health and Human Services official Jay Angoff.

3. What does Congress have to do with the price of milk? If Congress doesn’t act soon, milk prices will go up. Loads of people are concerned about this. But what about the 3.8 million people who would lose eligibility entirely? 

4. So, TIME’s “Person of the Year“ went to Pope Francis. Were you rooting for Snowden? Chris Hayes debates the merits of both men with Senior Contributing Writer to the Nation Michelle Goldberg, Host of Democracy Now! Amy Goodman, and Politics Editor at Business Insider Josh Barro.