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'Are you kidding me?'

In his strongest rebuke yet, the Republican speaker of the House on Thursday blasted tea party-aligned organizations for continuously misguiding GOP lawmakers.
/ Source: MSNBC TV

In his strongest rebuke yet, the Republican speaker of the House on Thursday blasted tea party-aligned organizations for continuously misguiding GOP lawmakers.

John Boehner has had enough.

In his strongest rebuke yet, the Republican House leader on Thursday blasted tea party-aligned conservative groups for repeatedly pulling GOP lawmakers into unwinnable situations that have only damaged the party brand. The groups’ criticism of a bipartisan budget deal before it was even released was a step too far for Boehner.

“I think they’ve lost all credibility,” Boehner said at his weekly briefing on Capitol Hill. “They pushed us into the fight to defund Obamacare and shut down the government…And the day before the government reopened, one of these groups said, ‘Well, we never thought it would work.’”

“Are you kidding me?” he shouted.

Even before Wisconsin Republican Rep. Paul Ryan and Washington Democratic Sen. Patty Murray unveiled a budget agreement Tuesday that would maintain government operations through 2015, deep-pocketed groups like Club for Growth, Americans for Prosperity, and Heritage Action encouraged Republican lawmakers to vote against the accord. The deal calls for spending levels slightly higher than those established under the automatic “sequester” cuts, which, for members on the far right, is too jagged a pill to swallow.

Boehner conceded that the budget bill doesn’t contain everything he wanted, but it’s a step in the right direction.

“This budget bill gets us more deficit reduction than what we have under the Budget Control Act,” he said. “I came here to cut the size of government, and that’s exactly what this bill does. Why conservatives wouldn’t vote for this, or criticize the bill is beyond any recognition I could come up with.”

So far, many members of his party disagree. A group of the 33 conservative House Republicans sent a letter to the speaker and Majority Leader Eric Cantor, urging them to bring a clean continuing resolution to the floor for a vote instead of the Ryan-Murray budget deal.

On the Senate side, Republican Sens. Rand Paul and Marco Rubio–both potential 2016 contenders who may soon be calling on these groups for support–have already expressed their opposition. GOP Sens. Ted Cruz and Tom Coburn have also come out against it. And a source close to Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell told the Daily Caller that the Senate’s top Republican plans to vote “no,” though he has yet to publicly comment on the legislation.

Following Boehner’s second condemnation of conservative groups – on Wednesday, he called them “ridiculous” – Freedom Works President Matt Kibbe released this statement: “Speaker Boehner may not care about what fiscally conservative groups do, but grassroots Americans still care about what he’s doing in Washington. When it comes to ‘credibility,’ actions speak louder than words. And right now, it looks like the Speaker is leading the charge for spending increases and recruiting Democrat votes in the House to help get it done.”