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UP: Sunday December 15

Sunday's show topics and guests
/ Source: MSNBC TV

Sunday's show topics and guests

Krystal Ball fills in for Steve Kornacki once again. Here’s what is on deck for our show this morning –

Walmart workers earn wages so low, that just because one is employed there, doesn’t mean that person can survive. Taxpayer money is subsidizing Walmart’s low wages – is Congress going to fix any of this?

Plus, could President Obama’s 2008 promise of closing Guantanamo Bay actually happen?

There are about 3.5 million people in America who experience some kind of homelessness every year, and about a quarter of them are employed at the time – and still can’t afford to pay for a place to live. How can this cycle ever be broken?

General Motors selecting a woman as CEO is being called a milestone. Is it? Is this progress? Or have we flat-lined? What policies can help move women forward even further?

Krystal’s panel includes Tsedeye Gebreselassie with the National Employment Law Project, Wells Dixon from Center for Constitutional Rights, Coalition for the Homeless’ Mary Brosnahan, Rashad Robinson with Color of Change, former NYC public advocate Mark Green, former CEO and Chairwoman of Playboy Enterprises Christine Hefner, former U.S. Labor Secretary Elaine Chao and Rachel Sklar, founder of