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How low can Congress go?

Congress is on track to be the worst ever, poll says.
/ Source: MSNBC TV

Congress is on track to be the worst ever, poll says.

Just when we thought it couldn’t get worse, Americans’ view of Congress has hit a new all-time low. 

A new CNN/ORC International poll finds two-thirds of Americans say the 113th Congress is on track to be the worst Congress ever, with three quarters of respondents saying this has been a “do-nothing” Congress.

“That sentiment exists among all demographic and political subgroups. Men, women, rich, poor, young, old — all think this year’s Congress has been the worst they can remember,” said CNN Polling Director Keating Holland.

This latest poll should come as no surprise to Washington as their favorobility continues to fall. A recent Gallup poll reveals that the average approval for the 2013 Congress hit 14%, the lowest in Gallup’s 39-year history, with the blame hitting both Democrats and Republicans. And while Americans will have a chance to elect a new representatives during the 2014 midterm elections, Gallup reports that the “negative views of Congress are so prevalent now that more Americans feel that problems are with the institution itself rather than with the particular party or people who control it.”

But it’s not just Congress feeling the heat. 2013 hasn’t been a kind to President Obama either, with the latest NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll showing that 54% of Americans disapprove of the job the president is doing – the highest mark in his presidency. The poll also shows 50% say they are either disappointed or dissatisfied with the president compared to 28% who are proud or satisfied with the president.