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Rev's Early Reads: January 14

Chris Christie gives "state of the state" address today... rewards for Dem mayors who played ball with Christie... GOP Benghazi myths get debunked.
/ Source: MSNBC TV

Chris Christie gives "state of the state" address today... rewards for Dem mayors who played ball with Christie... GOP Benghazi myths get debunked.

Democratic mayors who endorsed Chris Christie were rewarded with millions of dollars in state funding for projects.

Will Chris Christie talk about the bridge scandal in his “state of the state” address today?

Declassified Benghazi transcripts debunk Fox News myths about the attack.

GOP Rep. Darrell Issa reveals his unsurprising agenda for 2014: IRS, Benghazi, Fast and Furious.

Oregon Republicans are honoring Rev. Martin Luther King and Abraham Lincoln… by raffling a rifle in their honor.