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What is Growing Hope?

On Martin Luther King Jr. Day, msnbc is kicking off an exciting new initiative we call Growing Hope.
/ Source: MSNBC TV

On Martin Luther King Jr. Day, msnbc is kicking off an exciting new initiative we call Growing Hope.

A citizen takes action, and hope grows for a city. A leader speaks out, and hope grows for a nation. In our homes, our schools, and our communities, we can all grow hope.

On Martin Luther King Jr. Day, msnbc is kicking off an exciting new initiative we call Growing Hope. We’ll shine a light on how Americans across the nation are making a difference and what still needs to be done. Inspired by the issues that impact everyone’s lives, msnbc invites you to join the Growing Hope conversation by sharing your own hopes and taking an active role in our community.

Just click on to read about the causes important to msnbc hosts, find volunteer opportunities in your area, and share how you are growing hope this MLK Day using #GrowingHope. Growing Hope will continue throughout the year and we will keep you posted on how you can get involved–on, social media, and through live events.

Thanks for helping us build Growing Hope.