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Rev's Early Reads: January 15

President Obama announces jobs program... Chris Christie's office complains about "wild-eyed conspiracy" theories... and Rush claims Obama is "like a dictator."
/ Source: MSNBC TV

President Obama announces jobs program... Chris Christie's office complains about "wild-eyed conspiracy" theories... and Rush claims Obama is "like a dictator."

President Obama announces new jobs program today in speech on economy.

Chris Christie’s office complains about “wild-eyed conspiracy” theories about bridge scandal.

Company offering bids on Sandy ads to New Jersey officials: “They asked us about using the governor.”

Fox News & Karl Rove (!) promote Rush Limbaugh’s claim that President Obama is trying to “run this country like a dictator.”

“Stand Your Ground” defense may surface in Florida case of retired police officer who shot man after getting popcorn thrown at him in a movie theater.

Bruce Springsteen and Jimmy Fallon perform epic parody of Christie bridge scandal (with video!).