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Business Latest: Big tobacco redux

The tobacco industry has stopped hiding: The major players plan to publish apologies admitting they misled the public about the dangers of smoking.
/ Source: MSNBC TV

The tobacco industry has stopped hiding: The major players plan to publish apologies admitting they misled the public about the dangers of smoking.

BIG TOBACCO REDUX: Fear of American litigation against Big Tobacco prompted some of the largest U.S. cigarette makers to separate into domestic and international companies in the 2000s. But now, the tobacco industry has stopped hiding: The major players plan to publish apologies in major newspapers admitting they misled the public about the dangers of smoking. With lawsuit fears waning, it may be time for divorced companies to hook back up. Watch more

OBAMACARE RX: NAVIGATING THE HEALTH INSURANCE MAZE: With medical bills still the leading cause of personal bankruptcy, buying the right health insurance coverage is a critical. Here’s a helpful guide. Read more

LIBERAL ARTS MAJORS: WINNERS: Turns out English majors aren’t doomed to work in Starbucks for the rest of their lives after all. According to a new study, “Liberal arts majors may start off slower than others when it comes to the postgraduate career path, but they close much of the salary and unemployment gap over time.” Study is out today. Read more