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PoliticsNation Preview - January 22, 2014

Chris Christie's polling numbers taking a hit, GOP re-branding strategy continues to fail and another stand your ground story our of Florida.
/ Source: MSNBC TV

Chris Christie's polling numbers taking a hit, GOP re-branding strategy continues to fail and another stand your ground story our of Florida.

What’s coming your way tonight on PoliticsNation

Now weeks into numerous investigations and the Bridgegate scandal, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie is taking a considerable polling toll. Two weeks ago he was the Repiublican favorite for 2016 and now his poll numbers are inching lower. What can he do, if anything, to recover? 

We’ll discuss what this means for Christie moving forward with Disrupt host Karen Finney and MSNBC Contributor Jonathan Capehart.

Also coming your way tonight, on election night in 2012 President Obama promised to fix the long lines that suppressed voters, creating problems across America and headaches for millions of Americans. Today the Presidential Commission on Election Administration released a report that said the “problems that hinder the efficient administration of elections are both identifiable and solvable”. They offered specific tools to reduce lines and recommendations to increase early voting. The President spoke about the report today and called it “outstanding”.

Attorney and former White House Counsel under President Obama, Robert Bauer, joins us to talk about the report and what this means for voting moving forward.

We’ll also take on the GOP’s continuing war on Women. The RNC kicked off its winter meeting today by attending the annual “March for Life” in Washington, D.C., and they continue to embrace their opposition to abortion rights and Obamacare – though they have yet to offer an alternative.

To discuss the Republican party’s positioning and more will be Co-Host of “The Cycle” Abby Huntsman and EMILY’s List Communications Director Jess Macintosh.

And we’re also following another shooting and possible stand your ground case out of Florida. An ex-cop shot and killed a man for texting in a movie theater following a confrontation. The ex-cop is saying he felt threatened and is claiming self-defense. Similar storyline, same result.

Joining us to discuss this incident and more is Criminal Defense Trial Lawyer Ken Padowitz and Legal Analyst and Former Prosecutor Faith Jenkins.

Join #TeamRev and the rest of the PoliticsNation family, along with Rev. Sharpton, at 6 p.m. ET for the show. If you have any questions during the show, we want to know. Join and comment on this post to tell us what you think.