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Women Dominate Every Social Media Network -- Except One (Infographic)

Fewer men use fewer social media networks for fewer reasons, a new infographic shows.
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A greater percentage of adult U.S. women use Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest, Instagram and Twitter than their male counterparts. The one social network that boasts more men is the professional-networking site LinkedIn.

That’s according to data compiled in the infographic below by Alex Hillsberg at the personal finance website

According to the infographic, 76 percent of U.S. adult women use Facebook, compared to only 66 percent of U.S. adult men. Meanwhile, 30 percent of women check their social media outlets multiple times per day, compared to 26 percent of men. And 53 percent of women are likely to access deals for a particular brand or item through social media, while only 36 percent of male survey respondents do the same.

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For more information on men and women's social media habits, have a looksee at the infographic from below. 

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