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Hunting for a New Job? Here are Some Resources For Latino Job Seekers

Looking for work? Our contributor Lorraine Ladish put a list together of resources you may find helpful.
Image: Job seekers check out opportunities at a job fair on June 12, 2014 in Chicago
Job seekers check out opportunities at a job fair on June 12, 2014 in Chicago, Illinois. According to the Department of Labor's latest jobs report unemployment is at 6.3%, the lowest since 2008 when massive layoffs swept through the country.Scott Olson / Getty Images

Looking for work? Many companies actively look to hire Latinos as they seek a more diverse workplace and identify a need for bilingual or bicultural employees. In some cases companies are seeking to reflect the communities in which they operate.

Here is a list of resources that can be helpful for minorities looking for work in a variety of fields.

Image: Job seekers check out opportunities at a job fair on June 12, 2014 in Chicago
Job seekers check out opportunities at a job fair on June 12, 2014 in Chicago, Illinois. According to the Department of Labor's latest jobs report unemployment is at 6.3%, the lowest since 2008 when massive layoffs swept through the country.Scott Olson / Getty Images
  • Sign up to job listing website started in 1997 and offers a good collection of companies that are interested in not only hiring Latinos and minorities, but you will often list jobs for people interested in doing work either in — or with — Latin America. You can search for jobs in other countries or in your own town, but not all job postings are specific for Latinos.
  • Don't miss, a job listing website that is owned by LatPro. The goal of DiversityJobs is to list jobs that seek to hire people of color, including Latinos. While LatPro lists a mix of bilingual and overseas jobs, DiverseJobs is more like a job listing website, except many of the companies listed seem to be seeking women and minorities. Still, it is an easy site to navigate and easy to use like Monster or Indeed.
Image: Job ads.
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  • Browse, a good resource for education, training and job seekers. A librarian started this diverse website in the mid-1990s. The site has a number of links for specific groups, not just for Latinos, but even also former military personnel, people over 50 and women. Beyond the actual job search, RileyGuide also has resources about salaries, careers and resume development. It also offers links to more specific places or job search engines that are useful to any job seeker.
  • Check out the Hispanic Alliance for Career Enhancement at This site is a non-profit that focuses on the employment and advancement of Latino professionals. They’ve been around for over 30 years and offer job matching services, leadership development programs, mentoring and coaching. While you can do job searches, it is more of a place to network and get involved in their leadership and mentoring programs because oftentimes finding a job is not so much about clicking on a link as it is about connecting with people.
  • Then we have This site is a hub of information for job seekers, students and entrepreneurs who are African-American, Latino, Native American or any other listed minority. It is part of Diversity Employers Magazine and has the mission of providing a database of employers who are committed to a diverse workplace. What’s great about this site is that it’s not a just a job listing site, it offers articles on employment, diversity and how to apply for certain jobs.
  • Also, be sure to check your state and private university websites. No, you do not have to be a professor or have a PhD to work at a university, whether it be a small private college or a large public university. State colleges are like small towns; they employ hundreds, if not thousands of people in a variety of professions and trades. Public universities, like state agencies, are interested in having a diverse workforce.
  • Also, don't forget to search your local, city and county government websites. The fact is that the U.S. government — at both a federal and local level — employ a large number of people in a variety of capacities. And because government agencies must represent an inclusive environment, they are very strong with their affirmative action plans.

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