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Charges Dropped Against Family That Cheered Too Loud at Graduation

Charges of disrupting the peace were dropped against the family members that cheered loudly at a Senatobia, Mississippi graduation on May 21st.
Graduates at Senatobia High School in Mississippi.
Graduates at Senatobia High School in Mississippi.WMC

On Monday, Mississippi's Senatobia High School Superintendent Jay Foster decided to drop charges against the family members that were arrested and charged with disrupting the peace with their loud cheers during a high school graduation ceremony on May 21st.

Although none of the four people charged will face any jail time or fines, Foster still believes his actions were effective, according to The Associated Press:

"We felt like at this point that we had accomplished our goal, which was, if you disrupt the ceremony, not only could you be escorted out, but you could face possible charges. It's really nothing more than a ticket, but it could cost you," he said.

While Foster argued that he was simply trying to maintain a respectful tone at graduation, those accused and their relatives did not see it that way.

Ursula Miller, who was charged for public disturbance and escorted out of graduation, contended that Foster had actually created more of a disturbance when he told the crowd not to cheer over the public address system.

NBC affiliate WMC reported that Henry Walker, one of those arrested, yelled out “you did it baby” as his sister's name was spoken.

His mother, Linda Walker, remains angry with Foster, and according to Associated Press, said that the dropped charge "saves me some time, but it's going to cost them some money. I'm not done with him. He done got my baby's name all over the world. We're not done."

Graduates at Senatobia High School in Mississippi.
Graduates at Senatobia High School in Mississippi.WMC