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TV meteorologist loses job amid furor over apparent MLK Jr. slur

TV meteorologist Jeremy Kappell tweeted Monday that "this isn't about race" and "I've never uttered those words in my life."

ROCHESTER, N.Y. — A TV meteorologist accused of using an on-air racial slur in reference to Martin Luther King Jr. is out of a job.

Image: Jeremy Kappell
Jeremy KappellWHEC

A video posted to social media of WHEC chief meteorologist Jeremy Kappell's broadcast Friday includes him apparently calling a park named for the slain civil rights leader "Martin Luther Coon King Jr. Park."

WHEC general manager Richard Reingold wrote on the station's website that he was disheartened and disgusted that the words were broadcast and regrets that they didn't immediately apologize. He said the station made a "staffing change" Sunday.

Kappell tweeted Monday that "this isn't about race" and "I've never uttered those words in my life."

Rochester Mayor Lovely Warren, who is black, was among those calling for Kappell's firing. Defenders on Twitter argued he misspoke.

The Rochester Association of Black Journalists asked for a "complete explanation" of what happened and why nothing was said after the broadcast.

"We also want to know what measures will be taken to prevent incidents like this from occurring in the future," the group said.