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Search for survivors continues in Bangladeshi building collapse

GRAPHIC WARNING: Contains images which some viewers may find disturbing. 


By John Chalmers, Reuters

DHAKA, Bangladesh -- The death toll from a building collapse in Bangladesh has risen to 160 and could climb higher, police said on Thursday, with people trapped under the rubble of a complex that housed garment factories supplying retailers in Europe and North America. 

The collapse, the third catastrophic incident at Bangladeshi factories in five months that have killed more than 200 people, could taint Bangladesh's reputation as a source of low-cost products and services and call attention to Western retailers and other companies that obtain products from the country. Read full story

A rescuer looking for survivors emerges from beneath a concrete slab in Savar, Bangladesh, on April 25.
A rescuer looking for survivors emerges from beneath a concrete slab in Savar, Bangladesh, on April 25.A.M. Ahad / AP
A rescue worker comforts a survivor who was trapped inside the rubble of the collapsed building in Savar, Bangladesh, on April 25.
A rescue worker comforts a survivor who was trapped inside the rubble of the collapsed building in Savar, Bangladesh, on April 25.Andrew Biraj / Reuters
A victim's body lies amid rubble at the site of a building collapse in Savar, Bangladesh, on April 25.
A victim's body lies amid rubble at the site of a building collapse in Savar, Bangladesh, on April 25.A.M. Ahad / AP


Previously on PhotoBlog: Desperate attempts to rescue garment workers after building collapses in Bangladesh

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