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Somalia pirate dens see decline as international efforts to stop seizures succeed

International efforts to stop piracy off the Somalia coast are proving successful as numbers of ceased vessels in 2012 dramatically decline, but some experts think it's too early to declare victory.

AP reports: Somali pirates hijacked 46 ships in 2009 and 47 in 2010, the European Union Naval Force says. In 2011, pirates launched a record number of attacks — 176 — but commandeered only 25 ships, an indication that new on-board defenses were working. This year, pirates have hijacked just five ships, the last on May 10 when the MV Smyrna and its crew of 26 were taken. They are still being held. Continue reading the story.

The empty whisky bottles and overturned, sand-filled skiffs that litter this once-bustling shoreline are signs that the heyday of Somali piracy may be over. Most of the prostitutes are gone, the luxury cars repossessed. Pirates talk more about catching lobsters than seizing cargo ships.