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'Sweet Caroline' Kennedy Welcomes Red Sox to Japan

<p>U.S. Ambassador hails Japanese pitchers' contribution to World Series triumph.</p>
Image: Caroline Kennedy
U.S. Ambassador to Japan Caroline Kennedy wears a Boston Red Sox jersey presented by Red Sox pitchers during a reception at the U.S. embassy in Tokyo, Tuesday, Jan. 21, 2014. Japanese Major League Baseball (MLB) players, Junichi Tazawa and Koji Uehara met Kennedy. Toru Hanai / Pool via AP

Boston Red Sox pitchers Koji Uehara and Junichi Tazawa presented U.S. Ambassador to Japan Caroline Kennedy with a Red Sox jersey during a reception in Tokyo on Tuesday.

Kennedy, who threw out the first pitch at Fenway Park's 100th anniversary game in 2012, hailed the Japanese players for "continuing the great legacy of baseball diplomacy between our two countries."

Image: Japan's PM Abe smiles as he wears a jersey of Boston Red Sox, while Red Sox mascot Wally looks on at Abe's office in Tokyo
Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe smiles as he puts on a Boston Red Sox jersey, while Red Sox mascot Wally looks on.Yoshikazu Tsuno / Pool via Reuters

Earlier in the day, the two pitchers presented Prime Minister Shinzo Abe with a Red Sox jersey and talked baseball with the Japanese leader.

— The Associated Press