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Police: Pit bull fatally mauls 3-month-old baby in Texas

A 3-month-old baby boy died Monday night after being mauled by the family's pit bull.

Burleson, Texas, police say officers responded to a 911 hang-up call at about 6:45 p.m. When they arrived, they reported a family disturbance.

After about an hour on the scene, officers were outside of the home talking with family members. One of those family members was holding 3-month-old Rayden Bruce, who had fallen asleep.

The child was taken inside and placed on a bed, where, apparently, the dog attacked.

A few moments later, officers heard screams coming from inside the home followed by a man running outside and carrying the little boy.

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The child was rushed to Cook Children’s Hospital in critical condition. After arriving at the hospital, the infant was pronounced dead.

The dog was quarantined and euthanized by Burleson Animal Control.

NBC 5's Ben Russell and Christina Miralla contributed to this report.

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