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Ad spending closes in on $1 billion

In the final days of the presidential race, ad spending is closing in on $1 billion.

The campaigns and outside groups have combined to spend $968 million, according to NBC News/SMG Delta. 

Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney waves as he takes the stage for a campaign event at a window and door factory, Thursday, Nov. 1, 2012, in Roanoke, Va.
Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney waves as he takes the stage for a campaign event at a window and door factory, Thursday, Nov. 1, 2012, in Roanoke, Va.David Goldman / AP

An unprecedented $143 million has been spent this week, far-and-away a record for this presidential cycle -- with more ads already being booked today. 

Team Romney, including the campaign and groups supporting the Republican challenger, are outspending Team Obama $96.4 million to $46.2 million this week. Accounting for this massive spending disparity, there are 11 outside groups pitching in to support Romney this week while just two are doing the same for Obama.

But despite the massive spending advantage Team Romney is enjoying over Team Obama, they are about even in ad points, according to SMG Delta. In other words, they are running about the same number of ads.  

That's because the Obama campaign booked advertising well in advance, as compared to the Romney campaign which makes buys days -- sometimes the day -- before. Outside groups also have to pay more than campaigns for their ads.

Overall, Team Romney has outspent Team Obama $573.2 million to $394.4 million in this election.

The vast majority of outside money has gone to support Romney. In fact, 85 percent of all outside money poured in during this campaign has gone to support Romney or oppose Obama. 

Nearly two-thirds -- 63 percent -- of all the money going to support Romney has come from outside groups. By contrast, just 16 percent of the money supporting the president has come from outside groups.

Outside money

Pro-Romney: $363 million

Pro-Obama: $63.5 million

Total: $426.5 million 

Here's a rundown of the top spenders overall:

1. Obama $330.7m

2. Romney $210.2m

3. American Crossroads (pro Romney) $87.7m

4. Restore Our Future PAC (pro Romney) $87.6m

5. Crossroads GPS (pro Romney) $63.1m

6. Priorities USA $57.2m

7. Americans for Prosperity (pro Romney) $49.2m

8. RNC $31.9m

9. American Future Fund (pro Romney) $12.8m

10. Americans for Job Security (pro Romney) $12.5m

11. NRA (pro Romney) $5.1m

12. Concerned Women (pro Romney) $4.8m

Here's everywhere everyone's spending this week, in order of most to least:

1. Ohio ($30m)- AmXrds, AFF, AJS, Check and Balances, XrdsGPS, NRA, Obama, Patriot Maj, Priorities, RNC, ROF, Romney, Thomas Peterffy. Team Romney $18.5m/Team Obama $11.4m

2.Florida ($22m)- AmXrds, XrdsGPS, Obama, Priorities, ROF, Romney, Thomas Peterffy. Team Romney $13.7/Team Obama $8.4

3. Virginia ($19.7m)- AmXrds, AJS, NRA, Obama, Priorities, RNC, ROF, Romney Team Romney $13.4m/Team Obama $6.3m

4. Pennsylvania ($13.7m)- AmXrds, AEA, AFF, AJS, AFP, Obama, Patriot Maj, RNC, ROF, Romney.  Team Romney $10.8m/Team Obama $2.9m

5.Wisconsin ($10.8m)- AmXrds, AFF, NRA, Obama, Patriot Maj, Priorities, RNC, ROF, Romney, Thomas Peterffy.  Team Romney $7.8m/Team Obama $3m

6.Iowa ($9.8m)- AmXrds, AFF, AFP, XrdsGPS, Obama, Priorities, ROF, Romney. Team Romney $6.7/Team Obama $3m

7.Colorado ($8.9m) - AmXrds, AFF, XrdsGPS, Obama, RNC, Priorities, ROF, Romney. Team Romney $5.5m/Team Obama $3.3m

8. Nevada ($8.5m)- AmXrds, AFF, XrdsGPS, Obama, Priorities, ROF, Romney Team Romney $5.6/Team Obama$2.9m

9. New Hampshire ($7m)- AmXrds, Obama, ROF, Romney Team Romney $4.7m/Team Obama $2.3m

10. Michigan ($5.7m) - AFF, AFP, Obama, ROF Team Romney $5.2m/Team Obama $500k

11. Minnesota ($2.7m) - AFF, AJS, Obama, RNC, ROF, Romney, Thomas Peterffy.  Team Romney $2.1m/Team Obama $550k

North Carolina ($3.4m) - AmXrds, Obama, ROF, Romney.  Team Romney $1.9m/Team Obama $1.4m

12. New Mexico ($225k)- Restore Our Future PAC 

13. Maine (Bangor) ($70k) - Restore Our Futue PAC