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App automatically sorts your Facebook friends


Wouldn't it be nice if Facebook could magically know which of your "friends" are really friends and which are family members, casual acquaintances, random strangers, or something else entirely? While the social network can't organize your relationships like that — at least not without a lot of effort on your part — an iPhone app can.

The app is called Katango and it can be downloaded for free from the Apple App Store. All you need to do is install and connect it to your Facebook account, and it'll do most of the hard work on its own using a special algorithm.

Once you've got all your friends sorted into various groups, you can use Katango to communicate with them. You can selectively share status updates or photos with certain folks and even easily message entire groups.

In a way, this means that Katango lets you mimic the features of Google+ circles without having to put a great deal of effort into sorting through groups or finagling with Facebook's settings. Neat, but is it really necessary?

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Rosa Golijan writes about tech here and there. She's obsessed with Twitter and loves to be liked on FacebookOh, and she can be found on Google+, too.