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Barney Frank and Tony Perkins face off, respond to Romney saying he's "fine" with gay adoption

In the aftermath of President Obama’s historic embrace of marriage equality on Wednesday, Mitt Romney reaffirmed his own anti-marriage equality stance but said he’s “fine” with gay couples adopting children. 

“I happen to believe the best setting for raising a child is where there’s an opportunity for a mom and a dad, but I know there are many circumstances where that’s not possible,” Romney said Thursday. “I know many gay couples are able to adopt children and that’s fine.”

Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass) and Family Research Council president Tony Perkins butted heads on Hardball with Chris Matthews, responding to Romney’s statement. In a rare change of pace, it seems Rep. Frank and Gov. Romney’s views on gay adoption are somewhat congruent, while Perkins remained adamant in his opposition to adoption equality.

Perkins: “No, I’m not with Romney on that. It’s not what I believe, it’s what the evidence shows: that kids do best with a mom and a dad and public policy should encourage that which is best.” 

Frank: “Anyone who deals with adoption knows there aren’t enough married couples to adopt the children who need adoption - so the choice in most cases is not whether a child is adopted by a man and woman living as husband and wife, but whether the child is adopted at all.”