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A bridge too far?

Failed Virginia gubernatorial candidate Ken Cuccinelli is calling on Chris Christie to step down as RGA chairman because of the bridge scandal. "He does not serve the goals of that organization by staying as chairman,'' he told CNN. "From the perspective of setting aside this as an issue in other races, it makes sense for him to step aside. That doesn't mean any of the charges political or otherwise are substantive or not, it doesn't matter. Perception is reality.''

Responding, Christie adviser Mike DuHaime told AP: Cuccinelli's comments are "disappointing, given the RGA was by far the largest single donor to his losing campaign, giving more than $8 million — a significant portion of which was raised by Gov. Christie."

The RGA contributed more than $8 million to Cuccinelli’s campaign, by far making it the largest single contributor, according to the Virginia Public Access Project. The second-biggest donor was the Republican Party of Virginia at $863,000.