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Christina-Taylor Green Memorial Foundation

Learn more about Christina-Taylor Green and the memorial foundation that her parents have begun in her name:

Christina-Taylor Green Memorial Foundatinon

Read this excerpt from the foundation's website about Christina-Taylor Green:

Christina-Taylor Green was the vivacious and loving child of a caring family who lost her life abruptly in the violence that occurred on January 8th, 2011, in Tucson, AZ. The shots fired resulted in the wounding of 13 people and the death of six, including Christina-Taylor Green.

At 9 years of age, Christina was interested in politics to the point that she went to meet Gabrielle Giffords, at an outdoor constituent event, held by the representative on that fateful Saturday morning. Having just been elected to the student council at Mesa Verde Elementary School, she was eager to ask her Congresswoman questions concerning the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico and what it was like being a politician. 

Christina had a wide range of interests.  She was  passionate about dancing which included ballet, hip-hop, jazz and gymnastics. She was involved in sports, and was the only girl on her Canyon del Oro Little League baseball team, "The Pirates". She enjoyed singing in her church choir, and loved animals.  Her older brother, Dallas, was her best friend.

Christina-Taylor had many hopes for her future and told her family that she wanted to have a career that involved helping people less fortunate than herself.  More than once she told her mother, "We are so blessed. We have the best life."

President Barack Obama remembered Christina-Taylor in a nationally-televised speech to the Tucson community on Jan. 12, and said she was dancing in rain puddles in heaven. "I want America to be as good as she imagined it," he said. 

The Christina-Taylor Green Memorial Foundation was created by the Green family to honor their beloved daughter's hopes and dreams.  The foundation aims to make the community as good as Christina-Taylor imagined it by helping local schoolchildren who are in need.