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Chuck Schumer proposes a 'nerd bus'

Sen. Chuck Schumer, self-proclaimed "nerd" (file)
Sen. Chuck Schumer, self-proclaimed "nerd" (file)T.J. Kirkpatrick/Getty Images

Nerds, New York's senior senator is fighting for you.

Senator Charles Schumer proposed a "nerd bus" (his words) to connect the growing number of tech start-ups in New York City, catering to the all the brainiacs and their transportation needs. In an open letter to the city's Metropolitan Transit Authority, the Democrat asked them to create a route linking up points of the "tech boom," which includes hotspots in Brooklyn, Queens and Roosevelt Island.

"Don’t need a PhD to know Nerd bus is a no-brainer," he wrote in a tweet. Showing his love for the nerd community, he then tweeted a picture of himself in high school, saying "it takes one to know one."