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Countdown to recall: Bill Clinton to campaign for Barrett, Walker, Barrett to meet in final debate tonight

With only five days to go until the gubernatorial recall election, word that former President Bill Clinton is coming to Wisconsin to campaign for Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett.  The Barrett campaign says Clinton will be in Milwaukee tomorrow morning.  Details are being finalized.   

Meantime, Gov. Scott Walker and Barrett will meet for one final debate tonight before Tuesday's recall election.

The debate begins at 9 p.m. and will be streamed live right here on The Ed Show blog.  Walker and Barrett held their first debate on Friday night. 

Democrats upset with Walker's plan to strip most public workers of their union rights forced the governor and four other GOP officeholders into recalls. 

Turnout in Tuesday's election is predicted to be as high as 65 percent, which is nearing levels normally seen in presidential contests. 
Walker has raised about $31 million since taking office, including about $20 million this year, in an effort to fend off the recall. Barrett, who got into the race on March 30, has raised about $4.2 million. 

Ed will have complete coverage tonight on The Ed Show at 8pET on MSNBC, including an analysis of Walker's lies on Sean Hannity's Fox News program last night.