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Countdown to recall: Walker's lies exposed in newly-released video

Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker is a liar and this new-released video from January 18, 2011, proves it.  

The video shows Walker sucking up to Beloit billionaire Diane Hendricks, to a top campaign donor, who asked Walker whether he could make Wisconsin a "completely red state, and work on these unions, and become a right-to-work" state.  

Hendricks was referring to right-to-work laws which prevent private sector unions from making employees pay union dues if they choose not to join the union.   

Walker told Hendricks the "first step" would be "to divide and conquer" through his budget adjustment bill, which cut collective bargaining for most public employee unions.  "That opens the door once we do that," Walker said.   

The video proves that he was LYING when he said his polarizing law to gut collective bargaining rights for most public workers was meant solely as a budget-balancing measure.  

The Journal Sentinel says Hendricks has since given $510,000 to the governor's campaign, making her Walker's single-largest donor and the largest known donor to a candidate in state history.

The video was shot by filmmaker Brad Lichtenstein, who has worked for Democratic campaigns and has donated to Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett, Walker's opponent in the June 5 recall election.  The video is part of a documentary, As Goes Janesville, which will be shown this fall at film festivals and at PBS stations.

Walker was asked about the video today.

"It was a year and a half ago, so I don't remember the particulars of that discussion." Walker said. ""Most politicians say things and don't follow up on them."

We will have a lot more on this tonight on The Ed Show at 8pET on MSNBC with John Nichols, Washington Correspondent of The Nation.