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'ED Show' playbook: Mon., May 14

Ed is back after a three-day weekend and he's already on Scott Walker's case again.

A new video of the Wisconsin governor telling a billionaire donor about his plan to "divide and conquer" labor might land him in hot water with Congress, in addition to the June 5 recall election.

And speaking of which, The Washington Post reports national Democrats aren't helping the state party to defeat Walker.  Mike Tate, Chair of The Democratic Party of Wisconsin, talks about what he’s running up against.

The victims of Mitt Romney’s vulture capitalism are speaking out in a new Obama campaign ad.  Ed will speak to one of Bain’s victims, Dave Foster, the former union representative for laid off workers at GST Steel.

JP Morgan’s $2 billion mistake proves Republicans just don't get it.  Bart Chilton, Commissioner of the Consumer Futures Trading Commission, comments on the regulation we need to stop another disaster.  

The Republican wrecking crew wants to claim another victim in California, but the governor is fighting back.  Ed will have reaction from Rep. John Garamendi (D- CA).

Sen. (and possible Romney VP candidate) Marco Rubio wants everyone to go along with his imaginary Dream Act.  But Democrats are calling him out.

And in the Big Finish, Chris Christie is the latest Republican to reject part of the president's health care law. 

Wendell Potter, a news analyst with the Center for Public Integrity, a contributing writer for the Huffington Post and author (“Deadly Spin”), will look at the Republican's all-out attack on the president's health care law and what it means for millions of Americans.

It's going to be yet another packed @EdShow at 8pET on @msnbctv.

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