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'ED Show' playbook: Mon., Sep. 24

Mitt Romney thinks it fair to pay a smaller tax rate than Americans who earn $50,000 a year and the Obama campaign is hammering back.

Tonight, Ed welcomes MSNBC Political Analyst Richard Wolffe to look at Mitt Romney’s definition of fair.  And Dean Baker of the Center for Economic & Policy Research, examines Romney’s ability to game the tax code with Chinese investment.

Then, Newt Gingrich joins Todd “legitimate rape” Akin on the campaign trail, and says Romney will change his mind about supporting the controversial candidate.  Ed will ask Howard Fineman of the Huffington Post how low the Republican party will go to win the Senate.

Mitt Romney is struggling with Hispanic voters, and yet he got rock star reception at the Univision forum.  It turns out he stacked the crowd with supporters, and it's not the first time.  Annette Taddeo, a member of the Miami Dade Democratic Party, will weigh in on that.

Mitt Romney thinks it's a problem that airplane windows don't open. Ed will explain to him why it's a bad idea.

And in the Big Finish, Nicole Lamoureux, Dir. National Association of Free Clinics, joins Ed to discuss Romney’s latest health care flip flop, and what it means for the uninsured.

It's going to another blockbuster @EdShow at 8pET on @msnbctv.

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