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'ED Show' playbook: Thurs., May 10

Mitt Romney faces heat over his days as an anti-gay prep school bully while President Obama is helping victims of bullying.

Tonight, singer/entertainer Clay Aiken, spokesman for the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network, explains why the president's remarks make things better for everyone.  And Army Captain Stephen Hill, who was booed in September at a Republican debate for asking if the candidates would reinstate Don’t Ask Don’t Tell, will rate the president's leadership.

Mitt Romney had the chance to fire up conservatives today after the president’s embrace of gay marriage, but tripped all over himself on the issue.  Charles Blow, New York Times Columnist, and Mike Rogers, Managing Director of Raw Story, discuss all the political fallout.

President Obama laughs off Romney’s attempt to take credit for the auto loan.  Eugene Robinson, MSNBC Analyst and Associate Editor and Pulitzer Prize winning Columnist for The Washington Post, will join Ed for that.

Scott Walker is using taxpayer money to try and save his job.  The Democrat trying to unseat Walker’s lieutenant governor, Mahlon Mitchell, President of the Professional Fire Fighters of Wisconsin, will join Ed for an exclusive interview.

Michele Bachmann loved her Ed Show expose so much, she renounced her Swiss citizenship today.  Ed explains her head-spinning flip-flop.

And in the Big Finish, House Republicans continue their war on the poor.  E.J. Dionne, a Senior Fellow at The Brookings Institution and Washington Post columnist, explains how they plan to cut programs for the poor and elderly while keeping the defense budget intact. 

It's going to be yet another packed @EdShow at 8pET on @msnbctv.

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