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Gingrich says he's committed to having 'unified' party

Republican presidential candidate, former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich speaks at the 2012 New York Republican State Dinner on April 19, 2012 in New York City. The Taxpayers Protection Alliance has urged Gingrich to give up his Secret Service protection, which he has had for about a month, in order to save taxpayer dollars.
Republican presidential candidate, former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich speaks at the 2012 New York Republican State Dinner on April 19, 2012 in New York City. The Taxpayers Protection Alliance has urged Gingrich to give up his Secret Service protection, which he has had for about a month, in order to save taxpayer dollars.Spencer Platt / Getty Images

NEW YORK -- Speaking before several thousand Republicans Thursday evening, Newt Gingrich said he is committed to having a “unified” party going forward and seemed to change his rhetoric towards the GOP presidential frontrunner.
Gingrich, giving remarks at the New York State Committee Annual Dinner, vowed that whether he or Mitt Romney become the nominee, they will work together to defeat President Obama in the fall.
“If I were to become the nominee, he [Romney] would work all out because it is our grandchildren’s future at stake. If he becomes the nominee, Callista and I will work out because it is our grandchildren’s future at stake,” the former House speaker promised, acknowledging he is clearly the underdog. “The fact is, we are dedicated to a unified Republican Party, winning the presidency on behalf of America’s future.”
Late last month, campaigning in Green Bay, Wis., Gingrich said while he is going to Tampa and is committed to party unity it was only with a caveat.
“We are deeply committed to going to Tampa, we are deeply committed to fighting for these ideas, that we are prepared to compete all the way, that while I am committed to party unity I think it ought to be party unity for a purpose, with a platform that matters and with ideas that enable us to say to the American people if you hire us, we’re not just anti-Obama, we are pro success for America and here are ideas that will make America successful,” he said at Kroll’s West Restaurant on March 30.
Thursday night’s speech at a New York City hotel seemed to take a different tone – a much more conciliatory tone from Gingrich. He reiterated he has stayed in the GOP race to articulate big themes and big issues across the country.
The keynote speaker at tonight’s annual dinner was potential vice presidential candidate, Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal.
After taking the stage following a bagpiper, Gingrich praised Gov. Jindal as “one of the brightest people in all of American politics.”
Gingrich heads to upstate New York Friday for one public event in Buffalo.