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Good Look: Home at last, in the Ivy League

Perhaps the highlight of Sunday's Education Nation Student Town Hall -- hosted by Melissa, naturally -- came when Eboni Boykin, a freshman at Columbia University, was profiled in the first hour. Eboni's story is unique because she grew up in St. Louis with hardships almost no student (let alone future Ivy Leaguer) has to endure:

She's spent much of her childhood in and out of homeless shelters. She's attended more schools than she can easily keep track of — most of them struggling urban schools where disruptions and low expectations are the norm.

But visions of the Ivy League have motivated this high school senior since she was 13, when she became captivated by a character's similar quest on the television drama "Gilmore Girls."

The profile we produced, and Melissa's interview with her at Sunday's event, is our Good Look™ of the week. Whether you missed the town hall, or want to revisit and/or share the video, please check our carousel above for all the Education Nation video!

We will be talking about education today, reporting and discussing the achievement gap. That, and much more today at 10am ET on msnbc! See you in #nerdland!