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GOP group airs pro-immigration reform TV ads for conservative audiences

Americans for a Conservative Direction -- the GOP arm of the pro-immigration-reform effort Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg is helping to support -- is airing TV and radio ads touting the newly released House GOP principles on immigration reform.

The high six-figure advertising campaign will air on national broadcast and cable TV (a heavy dose on FOX News), and also on conservative talk radio.

"House Republicans have a conservative solution to fix our broken immigration system," the TV ad goes. "The plan? Step one: Secure the border and tough employment verification. Step two: Anyone in America illegally undergoes a criminal background check. Step three: Pay fines, taxes, and learn English. No amnesty -- but a chance at the American Dream for those brought here as children."

Republicans involved with Americans for a Conservative Direction include former Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour (R), former Jeb Bush Chief of Staff Sally Bradshaw, and GOP adviser Dan Senor.