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Has Dubya given up on Romney, too?

What's the worst thing George "Dubya" Bush could do for fellow Republican Mitt Romney between now and Election Day?  The former president may have found the answer.

Bush, ranked as the fifth-worst president in U.S. history by the Siena Research Institute of Siena College in 2010, is heading to the Cayman Islands.  He's scheduled to deliver the keynote address at the Cayman Alternative Investment Summit on Grand Cayman on November 1, just five days before Election Day!

Bush's appearance, of course, will put the spotlight (again) on:

As you'll recall, Bush presided over the worst financial collapse since the Great Depression, was the firstformer president since Richard Nixon to skip his party's first political convention after leaving office.  And unlike Democrat Bill Clinton, he won't be actively campaigning for his party's presidential nominee during this year's campaign.

Why did Bush accept an invitation that obviously stabs Romney in the back?  Maybe he's read the latest polls