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Internet's response to Mensa tot's potty 911 on TODAY: #smartbutstill3

A brilliant 3-year-old Mensa member named Emmelyn Roettger was called by nature on TODAY this morning, delighting Twitter and reminding the world that even a genius toddler is still a toddler, at heart.

One Twitter user said it best, launching the hashtag #smartbutstill3.

Emme became the youngest member of the high-IQ society after scoring a 135. Emme is already reading and has an avid interest in bugs and space. On TODAY Friday morning, Emme jabbered with Natalie, waved at the camera and stuck out her tongue when she spotted herself on a monitor. Sick of hanging out of the couch, she began removing her microphone and insisting, adorably, "I have to poop! Take this off of me!"

The Twitter response was instant.

"3 year old girl with an iq of 135 was on the today show. Interview took a break when she started crying, "i have to poop!" #smartbutstill3," tweeted @KristineZeek.

"Lol the cute little girl (3yrs old) with the record breaking IQ on the #Todayshow stopped the interview because she had to 'go poo'," said @MsAvaCakes.

User @FoFacy added, "OMG that 3-year-old 135 IQ Mensa kid on the Today Show. Please tell me Amy Poehler will come back and do a skit on SNL for that."

Eventually, Natalie called for a potty break, noting that Emme may have had a few donuts in the green room. 

More: In Mensa or not, this tot proves she's still a tot 
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Julieanne Smolinski is a contributor. She is not smart but still acts 3.