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Jelly Belly debuts Draft Beer flavor: Are you anxious to try it?

or more than 100 years, Jelly Belly has been the leading name in jelly bean manufacturing, with flavors like Buttered Popcorn, Toasted Marshmallow and Bubble Gum. And now? Beer.

Jelly Belly debuted  its newest flavor on Saturday: Draft Beer. Following the tails of the December release of the chocolate-covered Tabasco flavor, this latest addition to the Jelly Belly  family is one that has been years in the making.

“Our fans have been asking for a beer Jelly Bean for years,” Rob Swaigen, Jelly Belly’s vice president of marketing, told “It took a few years to perfect, but we think we got it right.” 

In fact, the latest flavor took three years to create before hitting the shelves. The company decided to match a Hefeweizen-inspired ale flavor to pay homage to Jelly Belly’s German ancestry, but don’t add it to the cocktail bar just yet.

“The recipe includes top secret ingredients, but I can tell you in contains no alcohol,” Ambrose Lee, Jelly Belly’s research and development manager, said in a press release. While that little piece of news has some disappointed, others have already gotten their hands on the new treat and given it a thumbs up. 

The Draft Beer Jelly Belly is for sale on Jelly and is being shipped to stores now.